Bridesmaids – wedding fashion series #4

Another fashion task ahead, and this time not one for yourself… The bridesmaids. The politics of who to choose is bad enough. Now you’ve (finally) got past that, it’s time to dress the chosen ones! There are so many different options. Long or short? Matching or not matching? Which colour? Do you let them decide? Do you choose for them? Selecting the bridesmaid dresses can be really tough. I can’t help you make the decision, but I can provide you with some inspiration…

bridesmaids ever after blog post flower girls dancing

Photo by Clare Kinchin

Long Dresses

Classic, elegant, and not something you’d wear everyday. And if you’re going for a long wedding dress then they will tie in with your outfit nicely!

bridesmaids ever after blog post bride and bridesmaids in bright red

Photo by Nick Walker

bridesmaids ever after blog post long bridesmaid dresses

Photo by Lucy Turnbull

bridesmaids ever after blog post long dresses

Photo by Lee Maxwell


Short Dresses

Sweet, practical, and what most girls will be used to wearing. The perfect choice if you’re going for a short wedding dress too, and a nice juxtaposition if you’re not!

bridesmaids ever after blog post yellow bridesmaids short

Photo by Luna Weddings

bridesmaids ever after blog post pale blue bridesmaids down he aisle

Photo by Freckle Photography

bridesmaids ever after blog post short dresses

Photo by Dan Ward


Mix & Match Bridesmaids

If you’ve got gal pals in different shapes and sizes, then mixing & matching styles might be a better option. It’s more flexible and individual. Plus you want your bridesmaids to feel comfortable and relaxed! You could go for a mix of different lengths, a mix of different necklines & fits, or even a mix of colours…

bridesmaids ever after blog post bride and bridesmaids in garden

Photo by Helen Cawte

bridesmaids ever after blog post bride and bridesmaids

Photo by Dan Ward

bridesmaids ever after blog post mix of colours

Photo by Richard Murgatroyd

Penny & Pete had quite a number of bridesmaids, and they had a mixture of 4 different styles for them all…

bridesmaids ever after blog postbridesmaids ever after blog postbridesmaids ever after blog postbridesmaids ever after blog post

Photos by Ben Selway



You could make life even easier for yourself and ditch the bridesmaids altogether (bear with me…). Felicity had the right idea. She had a big group of friends, and rather than making them all bridesmaids (or upsetting ones who weren’t chosen) she asked them all to be ‘tribesmaids’. It’s a modern thing, but a popular one nonetheless. And the best part was the girls chose their dresses themselves! No fussing over what style, length, or colour to go for. They all picked their own outfits and rocked them down the aisle.

bridesmaids ever after blog post tribes maids walking down the aislebridesmaids blog post ever after tribes maids walking down the aislebridesmaids ever after blog post tribes maids down the aisle

Photos by Voyteck

Whatever you decide to do, your bridesmaids being happy and comfortable should be the goal. If that coincides with the ‘bridesmaid’ image you have in your head then great. If not, then it honestly won’t matter on the day.

See more from these weddings on our wedding gallery.






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